When is the Ideal Time to Seek Marriage Counselling

Marriage counselling can be incredibly beneficial to your relationship. Check out these common warnings & symptoms If you're wondering when to get marriage counselling.

When you’re in the first years of marriage, it may seem that there are no ups and downs – just two people living in wedded bliss forever. However, even if you’re lucky enough to have the kind of marriage where you always agree and never need compromise, the longer you’re together, the more likely you will disagree about something important.

When this happens, it can be helpful to get some marriage counselling from an unbiased third party to sort things out before they escalate into full-blown arguments or resentment about one partner’s behaviour toward the other read more here

All About Couples Therapy

couples counselling Toronto

A lot of couples go through problems, and that is perfectly normal from time to time. Couples therapy exists for a reason, but some people are just too scared to take that step even if they know their relationship needs help. You might be wondering does couples therapy work, and the answer is yes! Couples therapy helps save relationships and marriages all over the world just as long as you are ready and willing to be totally honest. If you want to know how couples therapy work and more about it, you can learn that below read more here

6 Narcissistic Parent Signs and How Do They Affect the Kids

Narcissism is a psychological condition with a wide range of symptoms. As parents, narcissistic people may display traits such as great self-importance and regard their children as extensions of themselves. Children in narcissistic families may not comprehend the impact of their parents’ conduct until later on in life. Scroll down to gain a deeper insight into what is a narcissistic family and narcissistic parent sign.

The Narcissistic Family Dynamics

In simple terms, a narcissistic family system is one where the parents’ wants are prioritized and the kids are supposed to meet those demands in various ways. The healthy family paradigm is flipped on its head in order to help their parents rather than the development of the children. There is abuse and a matching denial of the abuse, just as there is in other types of narcissistic families. Secrecy, neglect, high expectations, a lack of empathy, contempt for limits, and continual conflict are also present read more here

Does Marriage Counselling Work?

marriage counselling in toronto

Does marriage counselling work? Can it help resolve marital issues and get the spark back in a relationship? I had the same questions seven months ago. Hi, my name is Sandra, a pediatric nurse at a famous clinic in the heart of Markham, Ontario, and in this blog, I’ll like to share with you how I got the answers to my own questions.

I was raised in a broken home. Growing up, I would watch my parents fight every day, and finally, they parted ways when I was barely eight. My dad and mum did not consider marriage counselling because they believed nothing could ever bring back their love read more here

Why Do So Many People Fail on Their New Year’s Resolutions?

Lose weight, quit smoking, abstain from alcohol, go to the gym regularly, save money… The central place on your New Year’s resolution list may belong to something else, but that does not change the essence: You intend to get rid of bad and acquire healthier habits according to Life coaching counselling Toronto.

What are the chances that you will succeed? 

The concept of the New Year’s resolution is interesting in itself. It is related to the efforts of Christian Puritans, at the beginning of the 18th century, to turn the celebration of the New Year, an ancient pagan custom of organizing celebrations in honor of Janus, the two-faced god, into a holy day. However, the practice of the Puritans to commit to greater devotion to God in the transition from the old to the new year, through religious resolutions, soon took on a secular character, and New Year’s resolutions became a symbol of individual effort to self-improvement. 

Ask yourself, at the end of every day, week, month and year. 

Could I have done better in any way? Today, such resolutions are commonplace. Along with summing up, a kind of evaluation of the one-year period from a personal point of view, self-commitment to change one’s behavior is one of the favorite “sports” for the end of the year. 

The question is, however, how to implement the desired transformations, i.e., what to do so that the New Year’s list of resolutions does not remain a list of beautiful and unfulfilled wishes. 

Pop star Lady Gaga comes out with the following motivational advice: “It’s nice to receive awards, but you know what?” When I sell a bunch of records, I take all the platinum off the wall. I pretend I haven’t sold any, so then I have to do it all over again. ” In essence, Lady Gaga warns of the danger of success indicators (trophies hanging on the wall) replacing real success (winning new trophies); those symbols replace reality. 

If you believe and act as if you have already achieved your goals, it will happen. These are two diametrically opposed strategies. Fearing that the symbols of success could plunge her and thus become an obstacle to conquering new peaks, Gaga deliberately removes memories of her real successes from sight. 

Let psychological science decide which of the two is right. As a person matures, the primary process recedes, and secondary processes enter the scene, which are based on reason and take reality into account: As adults, we are able to postpone gratification, even endure pain if such a thing is necessary to realize our plans.

Positive fantasies vs. positive expectations 

Fortunately, the interest of psychologists in the topic of fantasies did not remain within the limits of psychoanalysis. 

In general, it is good to have a positive attitude towards one’s own future, but one should be at least careful about indulging in positive fantasies about the future. 

Positive expectations are based on previous experience; for example, you expect to pass the exam because you have prepared in a way that has proven successful in the past.

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